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Vendor Lenovo First view 2023-01-30
Product Thinksystem sn550 Firmware Last view 2023-05-01
Version ive178i Type Os
Update *  
Edition *  
Language *  
Sofware Edition *  
Target Software *  
Target Hardware *  
Other *  
CPE Product cpe:2.3:o:lenovo:thinksystem_sn550_firmware

Activity : Overall

Related : CVE

  Date Alert Description
8.8 2023-05-01 CVE-2023-25492

A valid, authenticated user may be able to trigger a denial of service of the XCC web user interface or other undefined behavior through a format string injection vulnerability in a web interface API.

8.8 2023-05-01 CVE-2023-0683

A valid, authenticated XCC user with read only access may gain elevated privileges through a specifically crafted API call.

6.5 2023-04-28 CVE-2023-29058

A valid, authenticated XCC user with read-only permissions can modify custom user roles on other user accounts and the user trespass message through the XCC CLI. There is no exposure if SSH is disabled or if there are no users assigned optional read-only permissions.

8.8 2023-04-28 CVE-2023-29057

A valid XCC user's local account permissions overrides their active directory permissions under specific configurations. This could lead to a privilege escalation. To be vulnerable, LDAP must be configured for authentication/authorization and logins configured as “Local First, then LDAP†.

5.9 2023-04-28 CVE-2023-29056

A valid LDAP user, under specific conditions, will default to read-only permissions when authenticating into XCC. To be vulnerable, XCC must be configured to use an LDAP server for Authentication/Authorization and have the login permission attribute not defined.

4.9 2023-04-28 CVE-2023-25495

A valid, authenticated administrative user can query a web interface API to reveal the configured LDAP client password used by XCC to authenticate to an external LDAP server in certain configurations. There is no exposure where no LDAP client password is configured

4.4 2023-01-30 CVE-2022-40134

An information leak vulnerability in the SMI Set BIOS Password SMI Handler in some Lenovo models may allow an attacker with local access and elevated privileges to read SMM memory.

4.3 2023-01-30 CVE-2022-34888

The Remote Mount feature can potentially be abused by valid, authenticated users to make connections to internal services that may not normally be accessible to users. Internal service access controls, as applicable, remain in effect.

6.5 2023-01-30 CVE-2022-34884

A buffer overflow exists in the Remote Presence subsystem which can potentially allow valid, authenticated users to cause a recoverable subsystem denial of service.

CWE : Common Weakness Enumeration

20% (1) CWE-787 Out-of-bounds Write
20% (1) CWE-697 Insufficient Comparison
20% (1) CWE-522 Insufficiently Protected Credentials
20% (1) CWE-134 Uncontrolled Format String
20% (1) CWE-125 Out-of-bounds Read