This CPE summary could be partial or incomplete. Please contact us for a detailed listing.


Vendor Drupal First view 2005-07-05
Product Drupal Last view 2023-09-28
Version 4.5.7 Type Application
Update *  
Edition *  
Language *  
Sofware Edition *  
Target Software *  
Target Hardware *  
Other *  
CPE Product cpe:2.3:a:drupal:drupal

Activity : Overall

Related : CVE

This CPE have more than 25 Relations. If you want to see a complete summary for this CPE, please contact us.
  Date Alert Description
7.5 2023-09-28 CVE-2023-5256

In certain scenarios, Drupal's JSON:API module will output error backtraces. With some configurations, this may cause sensitive information to be cached and made available to anonymous users, leading to privilege escalation.

This vulnerability only affects sites with the JSON:API module enabled, and can be mitigated by uninstalling JSON:API.

The core REST and contributed GraphQL modules are not affected.

6.5 2023-04-26 CVE-2023-31250

The file download facility doesn't sufficiently sanitize file paths in certain situations. This may result in users gaining access to private files that they should not have access to. Some sites may require configuration changes following this security release. Review the release notes for your Drupal version if you have issues accessing private files after updating.

6.5 2023-04-26 CVE-2022-25278

Under certain circumstances, the Drupal core form API evaluates form element access incorrectly. This may lead to a user being able to alter data they should not have access to. No forms provided by Drupal core are known to be vulnerable. However, forms added through contributed or custom modules or themes may be affected.

7.2 2023-04-26 CVE-2022-25277

Drupal core sanitizes filenames with dangerous extensions upon upload (reference: SA-CORE-2020-012) and strips leading and trailing dots from filenames to prevent uploading server configuration files (reference: SA-CORE-2019-010). However, the protections for these two vulnerabilities previously did not work correctly together. As a result, if the site were configured to allow the upload of files with an htaccess extension, these files' filenames would not be properly sanitized. This could allow bypassing the protections provided by Drupal core's default .htaccess files and possible remote code execution on Apache web servers. This issue is mitigated by the fact that it requires a field administrator to explicitly configure a file field to allow htaccess as an extension (a restricted permission), or a contributed module or custom code that overrides allowed file uploads.

6.1 2023-04-26 CVE-2022-25276

The Media oEmbed iframe route does not properly validate the iframe domain setting, which allows embeds to be displayed in the context of the primary domain. Under certain circumstances, this could lead to cross-site scripting, leaked cookies, or other vulnerabilities.

7.5 2023-04-26 CVE-2022-25275

In some situations, the Image module does not correctly check access to image files not stored in the standard public files directory when generating derivative images using the image styles system. Access to a non-public file is checked only if it is stored in the "private" file system. However, some contributed modules provide additional file systems, or schemes, which may lead to this vulnerability. This vulnerability is mitigated by the fact that it only applies when the site sets (Drupal 9) $config['image.settings']['allow_insecure_derivatives'] or (Drupal 7) $conf['image_allow_insecure_derivatives'] to TRUE. The recommended and default setting is FALSE, and Drupal core does not provide a way to change that in the admin UI. Some sites may require configuration changes following this security release. Review the release notes for your Drupal version if you have issues accessing files or image styles after updating.

5.4 2023-04-26 CVE-2022-25274

Drupal 9.3 implemented a generic entity access API for entity revisions. However, this API was not completely integrated with existing permissions, resulting in some possible access bypass for users who have access to use revisions of content generally, but who do not have access to individual items of node and media content. This vulnerability only affects sites using Drupal's revision system.

7.5 2023-04-26 CVE-2022-25273

Drupal core's form API has a vulnerability where certain contributed or custom modules' forms may be vulnerable to improper input validation. This could allow an attacker to inject disallowed values or overwrite data. Affected forms are uncommon, but in certain cases an attacker could alter critical or sensitive data.

7.5 2022-09-28 CVE-2022-39261

Twig is a template language for PHP. Versions 1.x prior to 1.44.7, 2.x prior to 2.15.3, and 3.x prior to 3.4.3 encounter an issue when the filesystem loader loads templates for which the name is a user input. It is possible to use the `source` or `include` statement to read arbitrary files from outside the templates' directory when using a namespace like `@somewhere/../some.file`. In such a case, validation is bypassed. Versions 1.44.7, 2.15.3, and 3.4.3 contain a fix for validation of such template names. There are no known workarounds aside from upgrading.

7.5 2022-06-10 CVE-2022-31043

Guzzle is an open source PHP HTTP client. In affected versions `Authorization` headers on requests are sensitive information. On making a request using the `https` scheme to a server which responds with a redirect to a URI with the `http` scheme, we should not forward the `Authorization` header on. This is much the same as to how we don't forward on the header if the host changes. Prior to this fix, `https` to `http` downgrades did not result in the `Authorization` header being removed, only changes to the host. Affected Guzzle 7 users should upgrade to Guzzle 7.4.4 as soon as possible. Affected users using any earlier series of Guzzle should upgrade to Guzzle 6.5.7 or 7.4.4. Users unable to upgrade may consider an alternative approach which would be to use their own redirect middleware. Alternately users may simply disable redirects all together if redirects are not expected or required.

7.5 2022-06-10 CVE-2022-31042

Guzzle is an open source PHP HTTP client. In affected versions the `Cookie` headers on requests are sensitive information. On making a request using the `https` scheme to a server which responds with a redirect to a URI with the `http` scheme, or on making a request to a server which responds with a redirect to a a URI to a different host, we should not forward the `Cookie` header on. Prior to this fix, only cookies that were managed by our cookie middleware would be safely removed, and any `Cookie` header manually added to the initial request would not be stripped. We now always strip it, and allow the cookie middleware to re-add any cookies that it deems should be there. Affected Guzzle 7 users should upgrade to Guzzle 7.4.4 as soon as possible. Affected users using any earlier series of Guzzle should upgrade to Guzzle 6.5.7 or 7.4.4. Users unable to upgrade may consider an alternative approach to use your own redirect middleware, rather than ours. If you do not require or expect redirects to be followed, one should simply disable redirects all together.

8.1 2022-05-25 CVE-2022-29248

Guzzle is a PHP HTTP client. Guzzle prior to versions 6.5.6 and 7.4.3 contains a vulnerability with the cookie middleware. The vulnerability is that it is not checked if the cookie domain equals the domain of the server which sets the cookie via the Set-Cookie header, allowing a malicious server to set cookies for unrelated domains. The cookie middleware is disabled by default, so most library consumers will not be affected by this issue. Only those who manually add the cookie middleware to the handler stack or construct the client with ['cookies' => true] are affected. Moreover, those who do not use the same Guzzle client to call multiple domains and have disabled redirect forwarding are not affected by this vulnerability. Guzzle versions 6.5.6 and 7.4.3 contain a patch for this issue. As a workaround, turn off the cookie middleware.

7.5 2022-03-21 CVE-2022-24775

guzzlehttp/psr7 is a PSR-7 HTTP message library. Versions prior to 1.8.4 and 2.1.1 are vulnerable to improper header parsing. An attacker could sneak in a new line character and pass untrusted values. The issue is patched in 1.8.4 and 2.1.1. There are currently no known workarounds.

7.5 2022-03-16 CVE-2022-24729

CKEditor4 is an open source what-you-see-is-what-you-get HTML editor. CKEditor4 prior to version 4.18.0 contains a vulnerability in the `dialog` plugin. The vulnerability allows abuse of a dialog input validator regular expression, which can cause a significant performance drop resulting in a browser tab freeze. A patch is available in version 4.18.0. There are currently no known workarounds.

5.4 2022-03-16 CVE-2022-24728

CKEditor4 is an open source what-you-see-is-what-you-get HTML editor. A vulnerability has been discovered in the core HTML processing module and may affect all plugins used by CKEditor 4 prior to version 4.18.0. The vulnerability allows someone to inject malformed HTML bypassing content sanitization, which could result in executing JavaScript code. This problem has been patched in version 4.18.0. There are currently no known workarounds.

6.5 2022-02-17 CVE-2022-25270

The Quick Edit module does not properly check entity access in some circumstances. This could result in users with the "access in-place editing" permission viewing some content they are are not authorized to access. Sites are only affected if the QuickEdit module (which comes with the Standard profile) is installed.

7.5 2022-02-16 CVE-2022-25271

Drupal core's form API has a vulnerability where certain contributed or custom modules' forms may be vulnerable to improper input validation. This could allow an attacker to inject disallowed values or overwrite data. Affected forms are uncommon, but in certain cases an attacker could alter critical or sensitive data.

7.5 2022-02-11 CVE-2020-13677

Under some circumstances, the Drupal core JSON:API module does not properly restrict access to certain content, which may result in unintended access bypass. Sites that do not have the JSON:API module enabled are not affected.

6.5 2022-02-11 CVE-2020-13676

The QuickEdit module does not properly check access to fields in some circumstances, which can lead to unintended disclosure of field data. Sites are only affected if the QuickEdit module (which comes with the Standard profile) is installed.

9.8 2022-02-11 CVE-2020-13675

Drupal's JSON:API and REST/File modules allow file uploads through their HTTP APIs. The modules do not correctly run all file validation, which causes an access bypass vulnerability. An attacker might be able to upload files that bypass the file validation process implemented by modules on the site.

6.5 2022-02-11 CVE-2020-13674

The QuickEdit module does not properly validate access to routes, which could allow cross-site request forgery under some circumstances and lead to possible data integrity issues. Sites are only affected if the QuickEdit module (which comes with the Standard profile) is installed. Removing the "access in-place editing" permission from untrusted users will not fully mitigate the vulnerability.

6.1 2022-02-11 CVE-2020-13672

Cross-site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in Drupal core's sanitization API fails to properly filter cross-site scripting under certain circumstances. This issue affects: Drupal Core 9.1.x versions prior to 9.1.7; 9.0.x versions prior to 9.0.12; 8.9.x versions prior to 8.9.14; 7.x versions prior to 7.80.

7.5 2022-02-11 CVE-2020-13670

Information Disclosure vulnerability in file module of Drupal Core allows an attacker to gain access to the file metadata of a permanent private file that they do not have access to by guessing the ID of the file. This issue affects: Drupal Core 8.8.x versions prior to 8.8.10; 8.9.x versions prior to 8.9.6; 9.0.x versions prior to 9.0.6.

6.1 2022-02-11 CVE-2020-13669

Cross-site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in ckeditor of Drupal Core allows attacker to inject XSS. This issue affects: Drupal Core 8.8.x versions prior to 8.8.10.; 8.9.x versions prior to 8.9.6; 9.0.x versions prior to 9.0.6.

6.1 2022-02-11 CVE-2020-13668

Access Bypass vulnerability in Drupal Core allows for an attacker to leverage the way that HTML is rendered for affected forms in order to exploit the vulnerability. This issue affects: Drupal Core 8.8.x versions prior to 8.8.10; 8.9.x versions prior to 8.9.6; 9.0.x versions prior to 9.0.6.

CWE : Common Weakness Enumeration

This CPE have more than 25 Relations. If you want to see a complete summary for this CPE, please contact us.
32% (32) CWE-79 Failure to Preserve Web Page Structure ('Cross-site Scripting')
8% (8) CWE-352 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
8% (8) CWE-20 Improper Input Validation
7% (7) CWE-264 Permissions, Privileges, and Access Controls
4% (4) CWE-601 URL Redirection to Untrusted Site ('Open Redirect')
4% (4) CWE-502 Deserialization of Untrusted Data
4% (4) CWE-434 Unrestricted Upload of File with Dangerous Type
4% (4) CWE-89 Improper Sanitization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('...
3% (3) CWE-200 Information Exposure
3% (3) CWE-94 Failure to Control Generation of Code ('Code Injection')
3% (3) CWE-22 Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory ('Path ...
2% (2) CWE-212 Improper Cross-boundary Removal of Sensitive Data
1% (1) CWE-732 Incorrect Permission Assignment for Critical Resource
1% (1) CWE-668 Exposure of Resource to Wrong Sphere
1% (1) CWE-565 Reliance on Cookies without Validation and Integrity Checking
1% (1) CWE-552 Files or Directories Accessible to External Parties
1% (1) CWE-384 Session Fixation
1% (1) CWE-287 Improper Authentication
1% (1) CWE-284 Access Control (Authorization) Issues
1% (1) CWE-276 Incorrect Default Permissions
1% (1) CWE-269 Improper Privilege Management
1% (1) CWE-255 Credentials Management
1% (1) CWE-189 Numeric Errors
1% (1) CWE-113 Failure to Sanitize CRLF Sequences in HTTP Headers ('HTTP Response ...
1% (1) CWE-77 Improper Sanitization of Special Elements used in a Command ('Comma...

CAPEC : Common Attack Pattern Enumeration & Classification

id Name
CAPEC-35 Leverage Executable Code in Nonexecutable Files

SAINT Exploits

Description Link
Drupal REST module command execution More info here
Drupal Form API command execution More info here

Open Source Vulnerability Database (OSVDB)

This CPE have more than 25 Relations. If you want to see a complete summary for this CPE, please contact us.
id Description
74150 Drupal Comment Attachment Access Restriction Bypass
58356 Quota by role Module for Drupal Multiple Unspecified Issues
55525 Drupal Core User Signature Format Weakness
55524 Drupal Core Forum Module Unspecified XSS
49523 Drupal Core BlogAPI Module Internal Form Field Value Manipulation Remote Auth...
49522 Drupal User Module Unspecified Login Access Rules Remote Authentication Bypass
49516 Drupal Node Module API Unspecified Remote Validation Bypass
49515 Drupal Core Upload Module Attached Files Information Disclosure
48999 Drupal Core Upload Module Unprivileged Content File Attachment Weakness
46946 Drupal Schema API Numeric Fields SQL Injection
46945 Drupal User Module Session Fixation
46944 Drupal OpenID Providers Unspecified CSRF
46943 Drupal Translated Strings Unspecified CSRF
46942 Drupal filter_xss_admin() Function Administrator Input HTML Object XSS
46941 Drupal OpenID Providers Values XSS
46940 Drupal Free Tagging Taxonomy Terms XSS
44641 Drupal E-Publish Module Unspecified XSS
44564 Ubercart Module for Drupal Unspecified XSS
44270 Drupal Menu System Handler Security Bypass
43656 Drupal Default URI callback Variable drupal_eval Function Arbitrary PHP Code ...
42164 Drupal Browser Interpretation Conflict (MSIE 6) UTF-8 XSS
42163 Drupal Aggregator Module CSRF Feed Item Deletion
42023 Devel Module for Drupal site Parameter XSS
39649 Drupal taxonomy_select_nodes() Function SQL Injection
39648 Drupal install.php Database Disconnect Arbitrary Code Execution

ExploitDB Exploits

id Description
34993 Drupal Core <= 7.32 - SQL Injection (PHP)
34992 Drupal Core <= 7.32 - SQL Injection (#2)

OpenVAS Exploits

This CPE have more than 25 Relations. If you want to see a complete summary for this CPE, please contact us.
id Description
2012-10-29 Name : Fedora Update for drupal7 FEDORA-2012-16442
File : nvt/gb_fedora_2012_16442_drupal7_fc17.nasl
2012-10-29 Name : Fedora Update for drupal7 FEDORA-2012-16421
File : nvt/gb_fedora_2012_16421_drupal7_fc16.nasl
2012-08-30 Name : Fedora Update for drupal7 FEDORA-2012-8398
File : nvt/gb_fedora_2012_8398_drupal7_fc17.nasl
2012-06-04 Name : Fedora Update for drupal7 FEDORA-2012-8362
File : nvt/gb_fedora_2012_8362_drupal7_fc16.nasl
2012-06-04 Name : Fedora Update for drupal7 FEDORA-2012-8360
File : nvt/gb_fedora_2012_8360_drupal7_fc15.nasl
2009-11-11 Name : Debian Security Advisory DSA 1930-1 (drupal6)
File : nvt/deb_1930_1.nasl
2009-10-10 Name : SLES9: Security update for PHP4
File : nvt/sles9p5021688.nasl
2009-10-10 Name : SLES9: Security update for PHP4
File : nvt/sles9p5015816.nasl
2009-07-15 Name : FreeBSD Ports: drupal5
File : nvt/freebsd_drupal513.nasl
2009-07-15 Name : Drupal XSS and Code Injection Vulnerability
File : nvt/gb_drupal_xss_n_code_inj_vuln.nasl
2009-07-15 Name : Drupal Information Disclosure Vulnerability
File : nvt/gb_drupal_info_disclosure_vuln.nasl
2009-02-27 Name : Fedora Update for drupal FEDORA-2007-4163
File : nvt/gb_fedora_2007_4163_drupal_fc8.nasl
2009-02-27 Name : Fedora Update for drupal FEDORA-2007-4136
File : nvt/gb_fedora_2007_4136_drupal_fc7.nasl
2009-02-27 Name : Fedora Update for drupal FEDORA-2007-2649
File : nvt/gb_fedora_2007_2649_drupal_fc7.nasl
2009-02-17 Name : Fedora Update for drupal FEDORA-2008-6916
File : nvt/gb_fedora_2008_6916_drupal_fc8.nasl
2009-02-17 Name : Fedora Update for drupal FEDORA-2008-6415
File : nvt/gb_fedora_2008_6415_drupal_fc9.nasl
2009-02-17 Name : Fedora Update for drupal FEDORA-2008-6411
File : nvt/gb_fedora_2008_6411_drupal_fc8.nasl
2008-11-04 Name : Drupal Core Multiple Vulnerabilities
File : nvt/gb_drupal_mult_vuln_oct08.nasl
2008-11-01 Name : FreeBSD Ports: drupal5
File : nvt/freebsd_drupal58.nasl
2008-09-24 Name : Gentoo Security Advisory GLSA 200507-15 (PHP)
File : nvt/glsa_200507_15.nasl
2008-09-24 Name : Gentoo Security Advisory GLSA 200507-01 (pear-xml_rpc phpxmlrpc)
File : nvt/glsa_200507_01.nasl
2008-09-24 Name : Gentoo Security Advisory GLSA 200507-02 (wordpress)
File : nvt/glsa_200507_02.nasl
2008-09-24 Name : Gentoo Security Advisory GLSA 200507-06 (Tikiwiki)
File : nvt/glsa_200507_06.nasl
2008-09-24 Name : Gentoo Security Advisory GLSA 200507-07 (phpwebsite)
File : nvt/glsa_200507_07.nasl
2008-09-24 Name : Gentoo Security Advisory GLSA 200507-08 (phpgroupware egroupware)
File : nvt/glsa_200507_08.nasl

Snort® IPS/IDS

Date Description
2019-07-23 TYPO3 PharStreamWrapper Package directory traversal attempt
RuleID : 50491 - Type : SERVER-WEBAPP - Revision : 1
2019-07-23 TYPO3 PharStreamWrapper Package directory traversal attempt
RuleID : 50490 - Type : SERVER-WEBAPP - Revision : 1
2019-03-28 Drupal Core 8 PHP object injection RCE attempt
RuleID : 49257 - Type : SERVER-WEBAPP - Revision : 2
2018-09-25 Symfony HttpFoundation component potential security bypass attempt
RuleID : 47620 - Type : SERVER-WEBAPP - Revision : 2
2018-09-25 Symfony HttpFoundation component potential security bypass attempt
RuleID : 47619 - Type : SERVER-WEBAPP - Revision : 3
2018-05-29 Drupal unsafe internal attribute remote code execution attempt
RuleID : 46451 - Type : SERVER-WEBAPP - Revision : 1
2018-05-03 Drupal 8 remote code execution attempt
RuleID : 46316-community - Type : SERVER-WEBAPP - Revision : 5
2018-05-15 Drupal 8 remote code execution attempt
RuleID : 46316 - Type : SERVER-WEBAPP - Revision : 5
2016-07-28 HttpOxy CGI application vulnerability potential man-in-the-middle attempt
RuleID : 39737-community - Type : SERVER-WEBAPP - Revision : 2
2016-08-31 HttpOxy CGI application vulnerability potential man-in-the-middle attempt
RuleID : 39737 - Type : SERVER-WEBAPP - Revision : 2
2014-01-10 PHP xmlrpc.php post attempt
RuleID : 3827 - Type : SERVER-WEBAPP - Revision : 16
2015-03-31 PHP xmlrpc.php command injection attempt
RuleID : 33632 - Type : SERVER-WEBAPP - Revision : 3
2014-12-02 Drupal 7 pre auth injection attempt
RuleID : 32353 - Type : SQL - Revision : 5
2014-01-10 OpenEngine filepool.php remote file include attempt
RuleID : 27196 - Type : SERVER-WEBAPP - Revision : 3
2014-01-10 PHP alternate xmlrpc.php command injection attempt
RuleID : 13818 - Type : SERVER-WEBAPP - Revision : 12
2014-01-10 PHP xmlrpc.php command injection attempt
RuleID : 13817 - Type : SERVER-WEBAPP - Revision : 12
2014-01-10 PHP xmlrpc.php command injection attempt
RuleID : 13816 - Type : SERVER-WEBAPP - Revision : 14

Nessus® Vulnerability Scanner

This CPE have more than 25 Relations. If you want to see a complete summary for this CPE, please contact us.
id Description
2019-01-03 Name: The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.
File: fedora_2018-43c64deada.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2019-01-03 Name: The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.
File: fedora_2018-732f45d43e.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2019-01-03 Name: The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.
File: fedora_2018-75bca4c5a0.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2019-01-03 Name: The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.
File: fedora_2018-8fd924a53d.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2019-01-03 Name: The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.
File: fedora_2018-906ba26b4d.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2019-01-03 Name: The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.
File: fedora_2018-9b54497b6e.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2019-01-03 Name: The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.
File: fedora_2018-9c38d1dc1d.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-08-15 Name: The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.
File: fedora_2018-4deae442f2.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-08-15 Name: The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.
File: fedora_2018-6f3ceeb7cb.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-08-15 Name: The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.
File: fedora_2018-7f43cbdb69.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-08-09 Name: A PHP application running on the remote web server is affected by a restricti...
File: drupal_8_5_6.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-05-11 Name: The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.
File: fedora_2018-1ba93b3144.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-05-11 Name: The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.
File: fedora_2018-2359c2ae0e.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-05-11 Name: The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.
File: fedora_2018-b9ad458866.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-04-27 Name: The remote web server hosts a script that is affected by a cross-site scripti...
File: ckeditor_image2_xss.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-04-27 Name: The remote Debian host is missing a security update.
File: debian_DLA-1365.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-04-26 Name: The remote Debian host is missing a security-related update.
File: debian_DSA-4180.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-04-25 Name: A PHP application running on the remote web server is affected by a remote co...
File: drupal_8_5_3.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-04-24 Name: The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.
File: fedora_2018-922cc2fbaa.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-04-16 Name: The remote FreeBSD host is missing a security-related update.
File: freebsd_pkg_a9e466e8414411e8a29200e04c1ea73d.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-04-11 Name: The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.
File: fedora_2018-143886fdbd.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-04-11 Name: The remote Fedora host is missing a security update.
File: fedora_2018-d8269e4262.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-03-29 Name: The remote Debian host is missing a security update.
File: debian_DLA-1325.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-03-29 Name: The remote Debian host is missing a security-related update.
File: debian_DSA-4156.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO
2018-03-28 Name: A PHP application running on the remote web server is affected by a remote co...
File: drupal_8_5_1.nasl - Type: ACT_GATHER_INFO