Executive Summary

Name CVE-2023-36826 First vendor Publication 2023-07-25
Vendor Cve Last vendor Modification 2024-11-21

Security-Database Scoring CVSS v3

Cvss vector : CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N
Overall CVSS Score 6.5
Base Score 6.5 Environmental Score 6.5
impact SubScore 3.6 Temporal Score 6.5
Exploitabality Sub Score 2.8
Attack Vector Network Attack Complexity Low
Privileges Required Low User Interaction None
Scope Unchanged Confidentiality Impact High
Integrity Impact None Availability Impact None
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Security-Database Scoring CVSS v2

Cvss vector :
Cvss Base Score N/A Attack Range N/A
Cvss Impact Score N/A Attack Complexity N/A
Cvss Expoit Score N/A Authentication N/A
Calculate full CVSS 2.0 Vectors scores


Sentry is an error tracking and performance monitoring platform. Starting in version 8.21.0 and prior to version 23.5.2, an authenticated user can download a debug or artifact bundle from arbitrary organizations and projects with a known bundle ID. The user does not need to be a member of the organization or have permissions on the project. A patch was issued in version 23.5.2 to ensure authorization checks are properly scoped on requests to retrieve debug or artifact bundles. Authenticated users who do not have the necessary permissions on the particular project are no longer able to download them. Sentry SaaS users do not need to take any action. Self-Hosted Sentry users should upgrade to version 23.5.2 or higher.

Original Source

Url : http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2023-36826

CPE : Common Platform Enumeration

Application 1

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Date Informations
2024-11-28 14:27:20
  • Multiple Updates
2023-08-02 21:27:19
  • Multiple Updates
2023-07-26 09:27:21
  • Multiple Updates
2023-07-26 00:27:19
  • First insertion