Executive Summary

Name CVE-2023-50715 First vendor Publication 2023-12-15
Vendor Cve Last vendor Modification 2023-12-27

Security-Database Scoring CVSS v3

Cvss vector : CVSS:3.1/AV:A/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:N
Overall CVSS Score 4.3
Base Score 4.3 Environmental Score 4.3
impact SubScore 1.4 Temporal Score 4.3
Exploitabality Sub Score 2.8
Attack Vector Adjacent Attack Complexity Low
Privileges Required None User Interaction None
Scope Unchanged Confidentiality Impact Low
Integrity Impact None Availability Impact None
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Security-Database Scoring CVSS v2

Cvss vector :
Cvss Base Score N/A Attack Range N/A
Cvss Impact Score N/A Attack Complexity N/A
Cvss Expoit Score N/A Authentication N/A
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Home Assistant is open source home automation software. Prior to version 2023.12.3, the login page discloses all active user accounts to any unauthenticated browsing request originating on the Local Area Network. Version 2023.12.3 contains a patch for this issue.

When starting the Home Assistant 2023.12 release, the login page returns all currently active user accounts to browsing requests from the Local Area Network. Tests showed that this occurs when the request is not authenticated and the request originated locally, meaning on the Home Assistant host local subnet or any other private subnet. The rationale behind this is to make the login more user-friendly and an experience better aligned with other applications that have multiple user-profiles.

However, as a result, all accounts are displayed regardless of them having logged in or not and for any device that navigates to the server. This disclosure is mitigated by the fact that it only occurs for requests originating from a LAN address. But note that this applies to the local subnet where Home Assistant resides and to any private subnet that can reach it.

Original Source

Url : http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2023-50715

CPE : Common Platform Enumeration

Application 2

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Date Informations
2023-12-27 21:27:32
  • Multiple Updates
2023-12-16 02:36:38
  • Multiple Updates
2023-12-16 02:36:14
  • Multiple Updates
2023-12-15 17:27:27
  • Multiple Updates
2023-12-15 09:27:23
  • First insertion