Executive Summary

Name CVE-2024-52276 First vendor Publication 2024-12-04
Vendor Cve Last vendor Modification 2025-01-06

Security-Database Scoring CVSS v3

Cvss vector : N/A
Overall CVSS Score NA
Base Score NA Environmental Score NA
impact SubScore NA Temporal Score NA
Exploitabality Sub Score NA
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Security-Database Scoring CVSS v2

Cvss vector :
Cvss Base Score N/A Attack Range N/A
Cvss Impact Score N/A Attack Complexity N/A
Cvss Expoit Score N/A Authentication N/A
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User Interface (UI) Misrepresentation of Critical Information vulnerability in DocuSign allows Content Spoofing. 1. Displayed version does not show the layer flattened version, which is provided when the "Print" option is used. 2. Displayed version does not show the layer flattened version, which is provided when the combined download option is used. 3. Displayed version does not show the layer flattened version, which is also the provided version when downloading the result in the uncombined option. Once download, If printed (e.g. via Google Chrome -> Examine the print preview): Will render the vulnerability only, not all layers are flattened. This issue affects DocuSign: through 2024-12-04.

Original Source

Url : http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2024-52276

Sources (Detail)

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Alert History

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Date Informations
2025-01-06 21:21:04
  • Multiple Updates
2024-12-05 17:20:29
  • Multiple Updates
2024-12-04 17:20:28
  • First insertion