Executive Summary

Name CVE-2025-20172 First vendor Publication 2025-02-05
Vendor Cve Last vendor Modification 2025-03-13

Security-Database Scoring CVSS v3

Cvss vector : N/A
Overall CVSS Score NA
Base Score NA Environmental Score NA
impact SubScore NA Temporal Score NA
Exploitabality Sub Score NA
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Security-Database Scoring CVSS v2

Cvss vector :
Cvss Base Score N/A Attack Range N/A
Cvss Impact Score N/A Attack Complexity N/A
Cvss Expoit Score N/A Authentication N/A
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A vulnerability in the SNMP subsystem of Cisco IOS Software, Cisco IOS XE Software, and Cisco IOS XR Software could allow an authenticated, remote attacker to cause a DoS condition on an affected device.

This vulnerability is due to improper error handling when parsing SNMP requests. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability by sending a crafted SNMP request to an affected device. For Cisco IOS and IOS XE Software, a successful exploit could allow the attacker to cause the device to reload unexpectedly, resulting in a DoS condition. For Cisco IOS XR Software, a successful exploit could allow the attacker to cause the SNMP process to restart, resulting in an interrupted SNMP response from an affected device. Devices that are running Cisco IOS XR Software will not reload.  This vulnerability affects SNMP versions 1, 2c, and 3. To exploit this vulnerability through SNMP v2c or earlier, the attacker must know a valid read-write or read-only SNMP community string for the affected system. To exploit this vulnerability through SNMP v3, the attacker must have valid SNMP user credentials for the affected system.

Original Source

Url : http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2025-20172

Sources (Detail)

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Date Informations
2025-03-13 17:21:17
  • Multiple Updates
2025-02-05 21:20:29
  • First insertion