Executive Summary

Name CVE-2010-0033 First vendor Publication 2010-02-10
Vendor Cve Last vendor Modification 2024-11-21

Security-Database Scoring CVSS v3

Cvss vector : N/A
Overall CVSS Score NA
Base Score NA Environmental Score NA
impact SubScore NA Temporal Score NA
Exploitabality Sub Score NA
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Security-Database Scoring CVSS v2

Cvss vector : (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C)
Cvss Base Score 9.3 Attack Range Network
Cvss Impact Score 10 Attack Complexity Medium
Cvss Expoit Score 8.6 Authentication None Required
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Stack-based buffer overflow in Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 SP3 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted PowerPoint document, aka "PowerPoint Viewer TextBytesAtom Record Stack Overflow Vulnerability."

Original Source

Url : http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2010-0033

CWE : Common Weakness Enumeration

% Id Name
100 % CWE-119 Failure to Constrain Operations within the Bounds of a Memory Buffer

OVAL Definitions

Definition Id: oval:org.mitre.oval:def:7711
Oval ID: oval:org.mitre.oval:def:7711
Title: PowerPoint Viewer TextBytesAtom Record Stack Overflow Vulnerability
Description: Stack-based buffer overflow in Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003 SP3 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted PowerPoint document, aka "PowerPoint Viewer TextBytesAtom Record Stack Overflow Vulnerability."
Family: windows Class: vulnerability
Reference(s): CVE-2010-0033
Version: 3
Platform(s): Microsoft Windows 2000
Microsoft Windows XP
Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Microsoft Windows Vista
Microsoft Windows 7
Product(s): Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003
Definition Synopsis:

CPE : Common Platform Enumeration

Application 1

SAINT Exploits

Description Link
Microsoft Office PowerPoint Viewer TextBytesAtom Record Buffer Overflow More info here

ExploitDB Exploits

id Description
2010-09-25 Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer TextBytesAtom Stack Buffer Overflow

OpenVAS Exploits

Date Description
2010-02-10 Name : Microsoft Office PowerPoint Remote Code Execution Vulnerabilities (975416)
File : nvt/secpod_ms10-004.nasl

Open Source Vulnerability Database (OSVDB)

Id Description
62241 Microsoft Office Powerpoint TextBytesAtom Record Handling Remote Code Execution

Information Assurance Vulnerability Management (IAVM)

Date Description
2010-02-18 IAVM : 2010-A-0028 - Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office PowerPoint
Severity : Category II - VMSKEY : V0022682

Snort® IPS/IDS

Date Description
2019-11-19 Microsoft Office PowerPoint out of bounds value remote code execution attempt
RuleID : 51947 - Revision : 1 - Type : FILE-OFFICE
2019-11-19 Microsoft Office PowerPoint out of bounds value remote code execution attempt
RuleID : 51946 - Revision : 1 - Type : FILE-OFFICE
2017-10-10 Microsoft Office PowerPoint invalid TextByteAtom remote code execution attempt
RuleID : 44280 - Revision : 1 - Type : FILE-OFFICE
2017-01-25 Microsoft Office PowerPoint improper filename remote code execution attempt
RuleID : 41094 - Revision : 2 - Type : FILE-OFFICE
2016-03-14 Microsoft Office PowerPoint out of bounds value remote code execution attempt
RuleID : 36888 - Revision : 2 - Type : FILE-OFFICE
2014-11-16 Microsoft Office PowerPoint improper filename remote code execution attempt
RuleID : 31437 - Revision : 2 - Type : FILE-OFFICE
2014-06-07 Microsoft Office PowerPoint out of bounds value remote code execution attempt
RuleID : 30941 - Revision : 3 - Type : FILE-OFFICE
2014-01-10 Microsoft Office PowerPoint TextCharsAtom record buffer overflow attempt
RuleID : 25527 - Revision : 5 - Type : FILE-OFFICE
2014-01-10 Microsoft Office PowerPoint out of bounds value remote code execution attempt
RuleID : 20590 - Revision : 12 - Type : FILE-OFFICE
2014-01-10 Microsoft Office PowerPoint TextCharsAtom record buffer overflow attempt
RuleID : 19894 - Revision : 18 - Type : FILE-OFFICE
2014-01-10 Microsoft Office PowerPoint out of bounds value remote code execution attempt
RuleID : 19303 - Revision : 17 - Type : FILE-OFFICE
2014-01-10 Microsoft Office PowerPoint improper filename remote code execution attempt
RuleID : 19296 - Revision : 15 - Type : FILE-OFFICE
2014-01-10 Microsoft Office PowerPoint out of bounds value remote code execution attempt
RuleID : 16421 - Revision : 18 - Type : FILE-OFFICE
2015-05-28 Microsoft PowerPoint unbound memcpy and remote code execution attempt
RuleID : 16413 - Revision : 6 - Type : WEB-CLIENT
2014-01-10 Microsoft Office PowerPoint invalid TextByteAtom remote code execution attempt
RuleID : 16412 - Revision : 19 - Type : FILE-OFFICE
2014-01-10 Microsoft Office PowerPoint out of bounds value remote code execution attempt
RuleID : 16411 - Revision : 15 - Type : FILE-OFFICE
2014-01-10 Microsoft Office PowerPoint file LinkedSlide10Atom record parsing heap corrup...
RuleID : 16410 - Revision : 12 - Type : FILE-OFFICE
2014-01-10 Microsoft Office PowerPoint improper filename remote code execution attempt
RuleID : 16409 - Revision : 14 - Type : FILE-OFFICE

Nessus® Vulnerability Scanner

Date Description
2010-10-20 Name : An application installed on the remote Mac OS X host is affected by multiple ...
File : macosx_ms_office_feb2010.nasl - Type : ACT_GATHER_INFO
2010-02-09 Name : Arbitrary code can be executed on the remote host through Microsoft PowerPoint.
File : smb_nt_ms10-004.nasl - Type : ACT_GATHER_INFO

Sources (Detail)

Source Url

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